What is Insurance? Insurance Definition & Meaning, How's Insurance Works?

What is Insurance? Insurance Definition & Meaning, How's Insurance Works?
What is Insurance? Insurance Definition & Meaning, How's Insurance Works?


What is insurance?

Insurance is a contract, which is represented by a policy, in which a person or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against the loss incurred by the insurance company. The company controls customer risks to make payments more affordable for insureds.

Insurance policies are used against the risk of financial loss, both big and small, which can result in damage to the insured or his property, or liability for injury caused by a third party or injury.

Understand how insurance works?

There is a multitude of different types of insurance policies available, and virtually any person or business can prepare to find an insurance company - for a price. The most common types of personal insurance policies are auto, health, homeowners and life. Most individuals in the United States have at least one type of insurance, and car insurance is required by law.

Businesses require special types of insurance policies, which insure specific types of risks faced by a particular business. For example, a fast food restaurant requires a policy that covers damage or injury resulting from cooking with deep fryer. An auto dealer is not subject to this type of risk, but requires coverage for damage or injury that may occur during a test drive.

Insurance policies are also available for very specific needs, such as Kidnap and Ransom (K & R), medical malpractice, and professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omission insurance.

Insurance policy component

When choosing a policy, it is important to understand how insurance works.

[Important: The three important components of insurance policies are premium, policy limit and deductible.]

A firm understanding of these concepts leads you a long way in helping to choose the policy that is most suitable for your needs.


A policy's premium is its price, usually expressed as a monthly cost. Premium is determined by the insurer based on the risk profile of you or your business, which may include credentials. For example, if you own many expensive automobile and keep a history of careless driving, then you probably pay more for a single mid-range sedan and auto policy with a perfect driving record. However, different insurers may charge different premiums for similar policies. So you need some lectures to find the right price.

Policy limit

The policy limit is the maximum amount that an insurer will pay under a policy for a covered loss. Maximum amount per period (ie, annual or policy term), per loss or injury, or during the life of the policy, which is also known as lifelong max, can be determined.

Typically, higher limits carry high premiums. For a general life insurance policy, the maximum amount paid by the insurer is referred to as the face value, which is the amount paid to a beneficiary on the death of the life insured.


The deductible is a specific amount that the policy holder must pay out of pocket before the claimant can pay the claim. Deductibles works as preventive for large versions of small and trivial claims. Deductibles can enforce counter-policy or counter-claim on the basis of insurer and type of policy. Very few deductible policies are usually less expensive because high out-of-pocket expenses generally have fewer claims.

Special attention

In relation to health insurance, people who have chronic health problems or who need regular medicines, should look for low-deductive policies. Although the annual premium is more than a comparable policy with a high deduction, less expensive access to medical care can be worthy of trade-off during the year.

Key takeaways

Insurance is a contract in which one insurer condemns another against losses from specific contingencies and / or hazards.
There are many types of insurance policies. The most common forms of life, health, homeownership and auto insurance are.
Most insurance policy making components are deductible, policy limits and premiums.

Related terms

Joint physical damage coverage

Combined physical damage coverage is auto insurance designed to provide coverage for collision and non-collision damage.

Understanding insurance claims

The insurance claim is a formal request for coverage or compensation for the loss or policy event covered by an insurance company by the policyholder. The insurance company verifies the claim and issues the payment to the insured after approval.

Understanding Liability Insurance

Liability insurance protects the insured party against claims resulting from injuries and damage to people and / or property.

Inside compensation

Compensation is compensation for loss or damage. Compensation may, in a legal sense, refer to an exemption from liability for indemnification.

Understanding compensation insurance

Indemnity insurance is an agreement in which one party guarantees compensation n was done by another for loss or damage.

Standard Auto Insurance Gives Basic Coverage to Qualified Drivers

Standard auto insurance is basic auto insurance, typically offered to drivers with a clean driving record who fall within the average risk profile.

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