Privacy Policy

'Business Pedia Live - Business Pedia Live' believes that security on the Internet is your basic right. We are fully aware of your safety on the web and do our best to provide online security.

This policy applies equally to all pages available at But we would like to clarify that our policy is 'tech tips - from other websites linked to the Business Pedia Live' website, whose privacy policy is different from us, there is no relation.

Keep in mind, we do not submit any personal information related to you on your website 'Business Pedia Live' till you connect with our website as an email, phone call, mail or as a supporter. . We want to make it clear that if you give us any personal information about you, then we are committed to maintaining his privacy. These conditions apply equally to those who work with us.

'Business Pedia Live - Business Pedia Live' does not sell either the mailing list (list of email names) or any personal information received from the web or gives it to someone else. Along with this, we do not allow any such information to go beyond 'Business Pedia Live' - Business Pedia Live.
'Business Pedia Live - Business Pedia Live' does not share its documents with any other organization. However we can share this document in our national and regional offices. We use them to motivate people and to win campaigns and motivate them to fund. We do not make our mailing list (email list) available to any other agency.

Whenever you fill any petition or any other form on 'Business Pedia Live - Business Pedia Live', then you join us as a 'cyber activist'. After this, we send you information about that topic via email or about any other campaign.

If you want to separate yourself from the 'Business Pedia Live - Business Pedia Live' email list, you can do this at any time by clicking on the link 'Unsubscribe' in our email. We have information about people who contact us for more information or help. We do this so that we can contact them or provide information in the future.

'Business Pedia Live - Business Pedia Live' website is available on various servers. The information provided to deposit funds is stored on our own server, which is completely secure. The information on our website can not be personally detected and we do not link to that information to people who visit our website. The server only gives us information about that date-time and internet address from which our site has been viewed.

We can keep an eye on the activities of an unknown person on 'Business Pedia Live - Business Pedia Live' website. We use this information to improve the performance of our site and to keep track of the traffic on the site (the movement of readers). We also see which day of the day and the day of the week is the best traffic on our site. At the same time, we also assess the popularity of the content on our website.

A cookie is a file that sends your browser when you open the 'Business Pedia Live - Business Pedia Live' site. It can be stored in your hard drive. Our website uses cookies to select some options as interested. Cookies do not collect any personal information that is present in your computer. You can organize your browser in such a way that whenever you receive a cookie, you will get the information. Or you can also easily deactivate the cookie. We do not use cookies to track the content you see.

'Donation Form - Business Pedia Live''s 'Donation Forms page' is linked to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This is a security protocol that provides complete privacy of communication over the Internet. This protocol allows client and server to communicate in such a way that is designed to listen secret, manipulate and stop fake messages. It converts personal information such as your credit card number, name and address to coded language so that this information can not be read on the Internet. On a secure page, such as the lock icon that closes on the form we have given, the bottom-left lock icon on web browsers such as Firefox, Opera, Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. But when you are just surfing it unlocks. Which means your personal information is absolutely safe. To learn more about SSL, you can use this link:
On the one hand we use SSL to keep 'online' sensitive information safe, on the other hand, we do our best to keep our readers' or 'offline' information related to those associated with us. We provide this information only to those employees who need your personal information for this work. Whenever our employees are not at the desk, they use the saver-saver that protects the password. When they come back, they have to enter your password again to get information related to you.

All Greenpeace Employees who are aware of the subject related to membership are aware of our safety policy and privacy practices. All our employees are committed to the safety of our readers, supporters and allies.

If you want to ask a question about personal information given by you on 'Business Pedia Live' – Business Pedia Live' or want to know something, you can contact us at

We believe that after signing up as a 'cyberactivist' or 'donor', you accept our Privacy Policy. For the purpose you have requested and as mentioned above, 'Business Pedia Live' – Business Pedia Live' gives the right to gather and practice information in the same way.

We are using both Google Adsense and Analytics on our blog. For both of these we use Internet cookies. If a user visits our blog, he allows us to do so. If he does not want this, then he should not visit our blog.

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